The basic premise of 3SF is to design and provide solid training programs for people who wish to improve their overall fitness.
I provide everything from basic strength training programs to endurance programs for marathons and Ironmans. Our philosophy..."simplicity is effectiveness." There is no over charging, or charging you for things that won't make you faster, stronger, and healthier. Give it a shot..what do you have to lose.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Remember Why We Run...

This past weekend, I had the fortunate experience to be a pacer for the Hospital Hill 1/2 Marathon in KC, MO. Over the years I have done more training miles and races than I wish to remember. I have had great races and races I would rather forget. But this past Saturday I was reminded as to why I run. As myself and my pacer partner set the tone for the 1:40 runners I realized the goals others had...the achievement they wanted to accomplish, and I was humbled by the fact that I was the one who would help them accomplish this goal. During the course of the 13.1miles our group became smaller, but more compact. We pulled together, tightened up pace and pushed through fatigue. After crossing the FL, numerous runners said "thanks" and "good job." Honestly, this day goes down in my book as one of my BEST days. The friends I made over the run, the goal we all accomplished together, and the realization that we were stronger as a group verses going at it alone helped me remember as to why I began running in the first place.

Running produces life lessons...having a "pace group" is a blessing when things get teaches you that patients in the beginning and persistence in the end will help you find your best results and that along the way you can meet others who will help you achieve your goals. So in part this is why I run...not for glory or for my next PR, but for some strange metaphorical sense it helps me remember my place in life and it reminds me to be humble and enjoy the journey more than the outcome. This is why I run...


In Memory of Karen, Emily, and Lauren Kahler said...

Come run my race with me! I know you will motivate me. :o)

Duston said...

When is your race? Just maybe I can do that. ;) We going to try and WO at least 1 more time b/4 I leave town?